Splinting Of Loose Teeth
Dental Splinting
Splinting Of Loose Teeth: Teeth that have become loose because of lost gum tissue can benefit from a new technique called dental splinting which attaches weak teeth together, turning them into a single unit that is stable and stronger than the single teeth by themselves. The procedure is most commonly performed on the front teeth.
Fix Loose Teeth With Splinting
Dentists can usually fix loose teeth with a simple procedure called splinting. This involves attaching a small piece of wire or plastic to the loose tooth and then bonding it to the adjacent teeth. This helps to stabilize the tooth and prevent it from moving around. In most cases, splinting is a quick and easy procedure that can be done in a single office visit.
Do you have a loose tooth?
If so, you may be wondering if you need to see a dentist or if you can just wait for the tooth to fall out on its own. Loose teeth are a common dental issue that can occur at any age. While most loose teeth are nothing to worry about and will eventually tighten back up on their own, there are some cases where it’s necessary to see a dentist. This is usually when the tooth is significantly loose or if there is pain or bleeding associated with it.
It’s important to note that loose teeth are not always a cause for concern. If the tooth is not causing any pain or discomfort, it’s likely that it will eventually tighten back up on its own. However, if the tooth is causing you pain or if it seems to be getting looser over time, it’s important to see a dentist.
In some cases, the dentist may recommend splinting the tooth. This is a process where the tooth is essentially glued back into place. It’s a fairly common procedure and it can be very effective in preventing the tooth from falling out. If you have a loose tooth, the best thing to do is contacting our dentist
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Payment Options / Plans
Payment plans are essentially loans, which can support you in managing the high cost of dental treatment. Rather than paying for your dental work in an upfront lumpsum, a payment plan allows you to pay in instalments over a period of time. We have onboard, payment plan service providers who will make your payment plan’s instalments even more affordable.
There are several payment options available at our surgery including Cash, Cheque, EFTPOS, Credit Card, HICAPS, AMEX and Direct Deposit.